Preview of Amy + Zeb's Denton Engagement Session

So I discovered this earlier while creating a folder for this session: Amy and Zeb's names go perfectly together. Three letters. A and Z. Annnddd, Y and B are kind of opposites because Y is the second-to-last letter of the alphabet and B is the second letter in the alphabet. That may only make sense to me, because I'm weird but, I like to think that it means they're meant to be together. Only Amy and Zeb will get that joke, but it's cracking me up as I type. Speaking of jokes, Amy and Zeb are THE most hilarious couple I've ever photographed. They're just so giddy in love that they laughed at their inside jokes the whole time and were playful and it was fun to photograph. Well, before I say too much, here are just two images for now. You'll see in the rest of their session what I mean. Their photos are full of natural and genuine happiness, and it's the kind of happy any couple wants to feel. 


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Based in Dallas, Cristy Angulo is a destination wedding photographer, and birth story & family documentarian.