Preview of the Manderscheid Family Session in Rowlett

Cute baby alert. And he's in a Santa suit. :) Let me just say I was soooooo honored when Jeneill messaged me about setting up this family portrait session. We were photographers at our high school yearbook together, both in the health, science, technology program and members of the Health Occupations Students of America club. Hey, we had common interests in high school! Haha. Anyway, everyone loves Jeneill. For real. There is nothing not to love about this woman. She's the cutest AND sweetest AND smartest.

She and her husband, Bryan (who recently celebrated five wonderful years together) decided to start a family portrait tradition now that they've got their adorable baby boy and I am so happy to be a part of the beginning of such a sweet thing. Oh! I forgot to mention another reason why I love Jeneill: She reads my blog! Sometimes I wonder if anyone really reads this... and now that I know she does, I'm a little more encouraged to write. So, thank you, Jeneill for being one of my dearly-cherished supporters. Here's a preview of your family session. I hope these two images make you smile and I can't wait to get to edit more for you to see!


  1. I just wanted to thank you for doing such a wonderful job on all the photos you took of Bryan, Jen and Dan! You managed to catch Bryan with genuine smiles which is very hard to do sometimes. =)

    Thanks again,
    Michelle (Bryan's mom)

    p.s. You described Jen perfectly!

  2. Michelle,

    Thank you for the kind comment! Posts always brighten up my day :) I had a great time with Jen and Bryan and Dan is ADORABLE, so it was no problem at all.

    -Cristy Angulo




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Meet The Author

Based in Dallas, Cristy Angulo is a destination wedding photographer, and birth story & family documentarian.