Cristie + Ryan's River Legacy Park Wedding

I had been looking forward to the day for a long time. Since August, I think when Cristie first reached out to me about photographing her wedding. My first impression was that of course, she had to be awesome because we have the same name and neither of us has an "h" in our spellings of our name. ;) More email exchanges solidified my hunch as I learned how easy and fun she was to work with! I got to meet Cristie and Ryan in person in the fall to shoot their engagement portraits in the Dallas Arts District, and it was such a great experience. Every time I photograph a couple, my goal is to tell their love story with each snap of a shutter, and Cristie and Ryan made it easy. They're proud of their love and you see it when they look at each other and when they laugh together. They fit together beautifully and naturally and it was an honor to watch. 

Enjoy a glimpse into their wedding day, which took place on the most beautiful spring day. I loved their outdoor wedding and the natural elements of River Legacy Park provided the perfect backdrops. :)


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Meet The Author

Based in Dallas, Cristy Angulo is a destination wedding photographer, and birth story & family documentarian.