Isabella's Newborn Session in Rowlett + Tales From My Mother

Last weekend my mom saw me importing the images from Isabella's newborn session.

"What a beautiful baby girl," she said, "how did it go?"

I told her it went fine, and that I got a few really sweet portraits and some nice moments because the baby really only wanted to be in her mother's arms.

"Is her name Cristy?" my mom asked.

"No! Why?"

"Because I couldn't put you down when you were a baby. All you did was cry and cry unless you were in my arms. If I let anyone else hold you or try to put you down, you'd start crying immediately."

Hmm. That definitely wasn't telling of the next seventeen years. I was a brat. A mean one too. A horribly belligerent girl to my mother, even as her only daughter. And then something changed. Sometime in my first semester in college I was finally able to understand her. In the four years since then, I've gotten to actually know her, and admire her. And when the summer and winter breaks were over and I'd move back to my apartment near my school, I'd cry while driving away, not wanting to leave my mom's reassuring embrace.

Funny how you can be mama's girl at two weeks old and 22 years old just the same.

Nicole, I hope the next 22 years of Isabella's life go by slowly for you and your husband! Congratulations on this wonderful beginning. I hope you'll look back at her newborn photos and remember just how tiny, how sweet, and how beautiful she is today. I bet she'll realize how lucky she is to have great parents like you a lot earlier on than I did ;)


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Meet The Author

Based in Dallas, Cristy Angulo is a destination wedding photographer, and birth story & family documentarian.